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Training practice

Some practices within Derby are approved for the training of GP registrars and are referred to as training practices.

GP registrars are qualified doctors who have decided to specialise in general practice as a career. As part of their training they work under supervision in general practice.

This practice is approved for the teaching of medical students from the university of Nottingham. These students attend for regular placements and will sit in, usually with one of the GPs but occasionally also with one of the advanced nurse practitioners or practice nurses.


You should always be asked if you are happy to have a medical student sitting in on your appointment.

You are within your rights to say no to the student being present.

Sometimes, the GP will ask if a student can take your history or examine you. This is part of the programme of training for all students.

The best way of students learning the complex art and science of medicine is with you, the patient, under the supervision of a doctor.

Students will never be asked to perform any task which is outside their experience, competence or current level of training.

You may meet medical students at several stages of their training:

First and second years

These students are usually from the graduate entry medical school at the Royal Derby Hospital. These students visit the same practice over nine mornings over their first two years of training.

Usually, they will be sitting in with the same GP on each of their visits meaning you may meet them on more than one occasion.

First year students are required to write an essay on an aspect of a patient’s history or examination they have seen on one of their visits to the surgery.

Though you would never be identified in such a piece of work, nonetheless they should ask your permission and for your written consent to do this.

Fourth year community placement

These students will be undertaking a longer placement out in the community including in this practice.

The vast majority of health care takes place in the community. This training is to give students experience in the care of patients with long-term health condition such as diabetes, heart failure or COPD.

Final year placement in general practice

During this placement students will spend a month attached to the practice.

Usually, they are working in the practice for 2 to 3 days each week under the supervision of a GP. They will see some patients with the GP and occasionally see some patients on their own before presenting to the GP and learning about the management of the patient’s condition.

Students will also carry out a project looking at some aspect of how care is delivered in the practice. On other days during this month-long placement, students attend teaching in communication skills and palliative (end of life) medicine.

For the list of standards that will apply to medical students and trainees, please view our competency check statement.

Page published: 2 October 2024
Last updated: 2 October 2024