Appointments Questionnaire

We are Derwent Valley Medical Practice Patient Participation Group. We would like to know your thoughts about getting an appointment at the Practice with the right healthcare professional, how easy you find it, and if you think there are things that can be done to improve this.

Appointments Questionnaire

Appointments Questionnaire

How easy did you find it to make contact with the Practice for today’s appointment?
1 = difficult, 10 = easy
Did you use the surgery telephone call back service?
Did you receive a telephone call back?
Has experiencing difficulty in contacting the practice ever inhibited you from trying?
Which of the following methods of contact to make an appointment would you prefer to use?
Third party - i.e. (family member, carer, friend etc.)
If you have needed to see a doctor urgently, have you normally been able to be seen on the same day?
If you have been unable to obtain a same-day appointment with a doctor, please indicate the other options of which are you aware:
Have you been able to book an appointment for a future date?
How far in advance?
Are you aware that you might be offered an appointment with an alternative healthcare professional at the Practice who may be more appropriate for your need, for example Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, Social Prescriber, Physiotherapist or Pharmacist?
Would you feel comfortable with such an alternative?

If you have been offered an appointment with an alternative healthcare professional:

Did you take up the appointment?
Did this appointment meet your needs?
You are in:

The following questions help us see if different people find it easy or difficult to get appointments.

You do not have to answer these questions.

Your age:

Results of this survey will be discussed at the next available Patient Participation Group meeting, placed on the PPG notice board and on the practice website.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.