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Competency check statement for medical students and trainees

Because Derwent Valley Medical Practice recognises the benefits for medical students and post-university qualified GP trainees in experiencing the general practice environment from the earliest stage and throughout their training, the practice has sought accreditation to train doctors intending to become general practitioners.

The following standards will apply to all medical students and trainees who undergo training at the practice:

  • No medical student or trainee will be able to deal with any clinical issues without prior checking and verification of their competency
  • Each medical student and trainee will only be given tasks and be allowed to provide patient care, treatment and support relevant to their own competency and the stage of their training within the medical school they are attending
  • The practice GP mentors will observe and guide a student’s learning, offer relevant support and give formative assessments of the student’s professional approach and their performance during a clinical encounter with a patient.

This means that:

  • Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 medical students will predominantly sit-in during consultations being held by a practice GP, both at the practice premises and on home visits. Dependant on their competency, some may see a small number of patients independently whilst working alongside a mentor
  • Year 5 medical students are likely to have independent clinical sessions, whilst working alongside a mentor
  • As trainees are qualified doctors, they will have independent clinical sessions but will continue to be allocated a mentor

Page published: 2 October 2024
Last updated: 2 October 2024